Hi everyone, Here is our Special Event Photography blog. In here you will see images from recent special events we have recently photographed. If you have any special event photography needs whether it be in Edmonton Alberta or in any other city please don’t hesitate to contact our office. Our experience also includes photographing special event coverage in locations such the Indianapolis, Boston, Philadelphia. We are also active in shooting as a special event photographer in Mexico.
In an effort to both enjoy the evening and generate more publicity to the cause, local media personalities and politicians were also in attendance. The Premier of Alberta, along with his lovely wife Marie attended the Gala, along with Paul Brown, Yukon Jack and Jillian Foote of the Bear's Breakfast show.
A family that certainly deserves mention is the Ghermezians, husband and wife Don and Marie, along with their gorgeous children.
Thank you Stollery Children's Hospital for letting us be part of your special event. We hope you enjoyed the evening as much as we did!